Samarth IVF – Glossary of Terms (General Definitions of IVF-related Medical Terms)

  1. Abortion
  2. Abnormal Coital Habits
  3. Acanthosis nigricans
  4. Achondroplasia
  5. Acne
  6. Acrosin activity test
  7. Acrosomal Defects
  8. Acrosome Reaction
  9. Adenomyoma
  10. Adenomyosis
  11. Adhesiolysis
  12. Adhesion
  13. Adnexal Masses
  14. Adnexal Surgery
  15. Adnexal torsion
  16. Adrenal insufficiency
  17. Adrenal suppression
  18. Endometriosis
  19. Air handling unit system
  20. Albumin
  21. Alcohol
  22. Allwin fallopian tube recanalization
  23. Amenorrhea
  24. Amniotic Graft
  25. Amorphous Debris
  26. Ampullo-ampullary anastomosis
  27. Anabolic steroids
  28. Anastomosis
  29. Anastrozole
  30. Androgel
  31. Androgen
  32. Angiogenesis
  33. Anovulation
  34. Anovulatory cycle
  35. Anterior sessile polyp
  36. Antibiotics
  37. Antibodies
  38. Antiestrogens
  39. Anti-mullerian hormone
  40. Antisperm antibody
  41. Anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha
  42. Antral follicle
  43. AO test
  44. Appendicitis
  45. Applebaum’s uterine scoring
  46. Aromatase enzyme catalyzes
  47. Aromatase inhibitor
  48. Artificial insemination
  49. Asherman’s syndrome
  50. Aspirin
  51. Assisted hatching
  52. Assisted reproductive technique
  53. Asthenospermia
  54. Asthenozoospermia
  55. Asthenozoospermic samples
  56. Atrophy
  57. Autoimmune disorders
  58. Azoospermia
  59. Barrier contraception
  60. Barrier methods
  61. Basal body temperature
  62. Basal follicle-stimulating hormone
  63. Baseline ovulation study
  64. Bicornuate bicollis
  65. Bilateral cornual tubal obstruction
  66. Biochemical tests
  67. Biopsy
  68. Bladder
  69. Blastocyst culture
  70. Blood
  71. Body mass index
  72. Bologna’s criterion
  73. Bone
  74. Bowel
  75. Bromocriptine
  76. Cabergoline
  77. Cancer
  78. Cannula
  79. Cannulation devices
  80. Carbon dioxide
  81. Carcinoma
  82. Central nervous system
  83. Centrifuge
  84. Cervical canal
  85. Cervical dilation
  86. Cervical factor
  87. Cervical mucus
  88. Cervical orifice
  89. Cervical stenosis
  90. Cervicitis
  91. Cervix
  92. Cesarean section
  93. Chemotherapy
  94. Chromopertubation
  95. Chromosomal aberrations
  96. Clinical pregnancy rates
  97. Clomiphene
  98. Clomiphene citrate
  99. Coenzyme
  100. Coital habits
  101. Coitus
  102. Color doppler
  103. Combined oral contraceptive pills
  104. Complete septum
  105. Complete tubal damage
  106. Computer aided semen analysis
  107. Contraception methods
  108. Contrast sonohysterography
  109. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
  110. Cornual polyps
  111. Cornual spasm
  112. Corpus luteum
  113. C-reactive protein
  114. Cryocans
  115. Cryopreservation
  116. Cryptorchidism
  117. Cryptozoospermia
  118. Cushing’s syndrome
  119. Cyproterone acetate
  120. Cyst
  121. Cystic fibrosis
  122. Cytomegalovirus
  123. Danazol
  124. D-chiro-inositol
  125. Dermoids
  126. Dexamethasone
  127. Diabetes mellitus
  128. Diethylstilbestrol
  129. Diminished ovarian reserve
  130. Direct swim up
  131. Distal tubal obstruction
  132. DNA damage
  133. Dominant follicle
  134. Donor
  135. Dopamine agonist
  136. Double insemination
  137. Double ovarian stimulation protocol
  138. Down’s syndrome
  139. Ductal obstruction
  140. Dydrogesterone
  141. Dye free flow
  142. Dysmenorrhea
  143. Dyspareunia
  144. Dysuria
  145. Echogenic stroma
  146. Ectopic pregnancy
  147. Ejaculate
  148. Ejaculation
  149. Ejaculatory disorder
  150. Ejaculatory duct
  151. Ejaculatory failure
  152. Ejaculatory function
  153. Ejaculatory obstruction
  154. Electrical injury
  155. Embryo
  156. Embryo transfer
  157. Embryogenesis
  158. Embryotoxic factors
  159. Empty follicular syndrome
  160. Enclomiphene
  161. Endocervical canal
  162. Endocervix
  163. Endocrinopathy
  164. Endometrial ablation
  165. Endometrial adhesions
  166. Endometrial cavity
  167. Endometrial factors
  168. Endometrial polyps
  169. Endometrial preparation
  170. Endometrial proteins
  171. Endometrial receptivity
  172. Endometrial scratching
  173. Endometrial synechiae
  174. Endometrial thickness
  175. Endometriosis
  176. Endometritis
  177. Endometrium
  178. Endoscopy
  179. Epididymal obstruction
  180. Epididymis
  181. Erectile function
  182. Erection
  183. Erosion
  184. Estradiol
  185. Estrogen
  186. Ethinylestradiol
  187. Fallopian tube
  188. False empty follicular syndrome
  189. Fasting insulin
  190. Fasting plasma glucose
  191. Fasting serum insulin
  192. Female fertility
  193. Female infertility
  194. Female reproductive organs
  195. Fertility
  196. Fertilization
  197. Fibroid
  198. Fibrosis
  199. Fimbrial block
  200. Fimbrial agglutination
  201. Fimbrioplasty
  202. Fimbriostomy
  203. Flimsy adhesions
  204. Fluid collection
  205. Follicle
  206. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
  207. Follicular development
  208. Follicular dominance
  209. Follicular function
  210. Follicular growth
  211. Follicular monitoring
  212. Follicular output rate
  213. Follicular selection
  214. Folliculogenesis
  215. Free androgen index
  216. Free fluid
  217.  Frozen embryo transfer
  218. Frozen oocyte
  219. Frozen pelvis
  220. Galactorrhea
  221. Gene expert
  222. Genetic disorders
  223. Genital infections
  224. Genital organ
  225. Genital tuberculosis
  226. Genuine empty follicular syndrome
  227. Gestational sac
  228. Glands
  229. Globozoospermia
  230. Globulin
  231. Gonadotropin
  232. Gonadotropin releasing hormone
  233. Gonadotropin therapy
  234. Grave’s diseases
  235. Growth hormone
  236. Gynecomastia
  237. Haploid sperms
  238. Hematosalpinx
  239. Hematuria
  240. Hemoglobin
  241. Hemorrhages
  242. Heparin
  243. Hepatitis B surface antigen
  244. Highly purified human menopausal gonadotropin
  245. Highly selective nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor
  246. Hirsutism
  247. Hormonal therapy
  248. Hot air oven
  249. Human chorionic gonadotropin
  250. Human menopausal gonadotropin
  251. Human spermatozoa
  252. Humidity
  253. Hyaluronidase
  254. Hydrosalpinx
  255. Hyperandrogenism
  256. Hyperemia
  257. Hyperglycemia
  258. Hyperinsulinemia
  259. Hyperplasia
  260. Hyperprolactinemia
  261. Hyperthecosis
  262. Hyperthyroid
  263. Hyperthyroidism
  264. Hypergonadism
  265. Hypomenorrhea
  266. Hypo-osmotic swelling
  267. Hypospadias
  268. Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
  269. Hypothalamus
  270. Hypothyroid
  271. Hypothyroidism
  272. Hysterectomy
  273. Hysterolaparoscopy
  274. Hysterosalpingogram
  275. Hysteroscope
  276. Iliac vessels
  277. Immotile cilia syndrome
  278. Immunoglobulins implantation
  279. In vitro fertilization
  280. Incomplete septae
  281. Infertile male
  282. Infertility
  283. Inflammation
  284. Insemination
  285. Insulin
  286. Interleukins
  287. Intestines
  288. Intra-abdominal organ
  289. Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm infusion
  290. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
  291. Intrafollicular echoes
  292. Intramural fibroid
  293. Intrauterine adhesions
  294. Intrauterine device
  295. Intrauterine insemination
  296. Irradiation
  297. Joints
  298. Kallmann’s syndrome
  299. Klienefelter’s syndrome
  300. Kruger sperm morphology
  301. Labotect catheter
  302. Laminar air flows
  303. Laparoscopic procedures
  304. Laparoscopy
  305. L-arginine
  306. Lasers
  307. Letrozole
  308. Leuprolide
  309. Live birth rate
  310. Live spermatozoa
  311. Low molecular weight heparin
  312. Luteal phase
  313. Luteinized unruptured follicle
  314. Luteinizing hormone
  315.  Male factor infertility
  316. Male infertility
  317. Male partner ultrasound assessment
  318. Male reproductive system
  319. Mature follicle
  320. Medroxyprogesterone acetate
  321. Melatonin
  322. Menorrhagia
  323. Menses
  324. Menstrual cycle
  325. Metformin
  326. Microadenoma
  327. Micro-Insemination
  328. Micronized progesterone
  329. Microscopic epididymal sperm extraction
  330. Miscarriage
  331. Mixed agglutination reaction
  332. Motility
  333. Mucus
  334. Mullerian anomalies
  335. Multiple gestations
  336. Myoionositol
  337. Myoma
  338. Myomectomy
  339. Natural cycle
  340. Natural hatching
  341. Natural killer cell
  342. Nausea
  343. Necrospermia
  344. Neosalpingostomy
  345. Neural tube defects
  346. Noonan’s syndrome
  347. Normal ovulation
  348. Obesity
  349. Obstructive azoospermia
  350. Oligoasthenospermia
  351. Oligomenorrhea
  352. Oligo-ovulation
  353. Oligospermia
  354. Omental adhesions
  355. Oophorectomy
  356. Oophoritis
  357. Oral contraceptive
  358. Oral glucose tolerance test
  359. Orchidopexy
  360. Ovarian disorders
  361. Ovarian drilling
  362. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  363. Ovarian preservation
  364. Ovarian reserve tests
  365. Ovarian stimulation
  366. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation
  367. Ovary
  368. Ovulation
  369. Ovulation induction
  370. Ovulatory cycle
  371. Ovum pick-up
  372. Pale endometrium
  373. Peak systolic velocity
  374. Pelvic inflammatory disease
  375. Perforation
  376. Peritoneum
  377. Placenta
  378. Platelet-rich plasma
  379. Polycystic ovarian disease
  380. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  381. Polyp
  382. Polypectomy
  383. Poor ovarian reserve
  384. Poor quality embryo
  385. Poor sperm quality
  386. Postcoital test
  387. Pouch of douglas
  388. Powder burns
  389. Prednisone
  390. Pregnancy
  391. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
  392. Premature ovulation aging
  393. Primary ovarian failure
  394. Progesterone
  395. Prolactin
  396. Pseudocyesis
  397. Puberty
  398. Pyosalpinx
  399. Radiation
  400. Radiotherapy
  401. Reactive oxygen species
  402. Recurrent implantation failures
  403. Recurrent pregnancy loss
  404. Reproductive Medicine
  405. Retrograde ejaculation
  406. Retroverted uterus
  407. Rubella
  408. Saline
  409. Salpingectomy
  410. Salpingitis
  411. Salpingostomy
  412. Scrotal sonography
  413. Semen
  414. Semen analysis
  415. Semen collection
  416. Sepsis
  417. Septate uterus
  418. Sertoli cell-only syndrome
  419. Serum
  420. Sex hormone
  421. Sperm
  422. Sperm DNA fragmentation
  423. Spermatic cords
  424. Spermatids
  425. Spermatogenesis
  426. Spermatozoa
  427. Stimulation
  428. Submucus
  429. Surrogacy
  430. Swin-down technique
  431. Swim-up technique
  432. Tail defects
  433. Testicular sperm
  434. Testis
  435. Testosterone
  436. Thin endometrium
  437. Thrombophilia
  438. Thyroid hormone
  439. Torsion
  440. Transvaginal ultrasonography
  441. Tubal cannulation
  442. Tubal surgery
  443. Tuboplasty
  444. Tunel assay
  445. Ultrasound
  446. Unicornuate uterus
  447. Uterine abnormalities
  448. Uterine cavity
  449. Vagina
  450. Vaginal septae
  451. Vaginismus
  452. Varicocele
  453. Vas deferens
  454. Vasal aplasia
  455. Vasectomy
  456. Viscosity
  457. Vitamin D
  458. Y chromosome microdeletion
  459. Zinc
  460. Zona

Samarth IVF – Glossary of Terms (General Definitions of IVF-related Medical Terms)


Definition: The process of freezing and storing sperm, eggs, or embryos for future use in fertility treatments.


Definition: A condition where one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum, which can affect sperm production and male fertility.


Definition: A severe form of male infertility where sperm are nearly absent in semen, requiring advanced techniques for sperm retrieval.

Cushing’s Syndrome

Definition: A hormonal disorder caused by high cortisol levels, which can lead to menstrual irregularities and infertility in women.

Cyproterone Acetate

Definition: A medication used to treat conditions like excessive hair growth and acne by blocking the effects of male hormones, sometimes used in fertility treatments.


Definition: A fluid-filled sac that can form in the ovaries or other reproductive organs, sometimes interfering with fertility.

Cystic Fibrosis

Definition: A genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system, often leading to male infertility due to blockages in the reproductive tract.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Definition: A common virus that can cause complications in pregnancy, including birth defects if a mother is infected during pregnancy.


Definition: A medication used to treat endometriosis and fibrocystic breast disease by lowering estrogen levels, often prescribed to improve fertility.


Definition: A supplement that can help improve insulin sensitivity and hormone balance, often used in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


Definition: Benign ovarian tumors containing tissue such as hair, skin, or teeth, which can impact fertility if they grow large.


Definition: A corticosteroid medication used to reduce inflammation and manage conditions like autoimmune disorders that can affect fertility.

Diabetes Mellitus

Definition: A metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels, which can lead to complications in fertility and pregnancy.

Diethylstilbestrol (DES)

Definition: A synthetic estrogen previously used to prevent miscarriages, now linked to fertility issues and reproductive tract abnormalities in offspring.

Diminished Ovarian Reserve

Definition: A condition where the ovaries have fewer eggs than expected for a woman’s age, leading to reduced fertility.

Direct Swim Up

Definition: A laboratory technique used in semen analysis where motile sperm are separated from non-motile sperm, enhancing the chances of successful fertilization.

Distal Tubal Obstruction

Definition: A blockage in the far end of the fallopian tube, preventing the egg from reaching the uterus and causing infertility.

DNA Damage

Definition: Harm to the genetic material within cells, which can affect sperm or egg quality and lead to infertility or genetic disorders in offspring.

Dominant Follicle

Definition: The largest and most mature follicle in the ovary that releases an egg during ovulation, essential for natural conception.


Definition: A person who provides eggs, sperm, or embryos for use in assisted reproductive techniques like IVF to help others conceive.

Dopamine Agonist

Definition: A medication that mimics dopamine effects, used to treat conditions like high prolactin levels that can interfere with ovulation.

Double Insemination

Definition: A fertility treatment where sperm is introduced into the uterus twice in one cycle to increase the chances of conception.

Double Ovarian Stimulation Protocol

Definition: A fertility treatment where the ovaries are stimulated twice in one menstrual cycle to retrieve more eggs for IVF.

Down’s Syndrome

Definition: A genetic disorder caused by an extra chromosome 21, leading to developmental delays and physical disabilities, often screened for in pregnancy.

Ductal Obstruction

Definition: A blockage in the ducts of the reproductive organs, such as the fallopian tubes or vas deferens, which can cause infertility.


Definition: A synthetic hormone used to support the luteal phase and early pregnancy in women undergoing fertility treatments.

Dye Free Flow

Definition: A diagnostic procedure where dye is introduced into the reproductive tract to check for blockages or abnormal flow, often used in fertility assessments.


Definition: Painful menstrual cramps that can interfere with daily activities and sometimes indicate underlying fertility issues like endometriosis.


Definition: Painful intercourse, which can be a symptom of underlying reproductive conditions like endometriosis or vaginal infections.


Definition: Painful or difficult urination, which can be related to infections or conditions affecting the reproductive organs.

Echogenic Stroma

Definition: The dense, echo-producing tissue in the ovaries, often seen on ultrasound in conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Ectopic Pregnancy

Definition: A pregnancy where the embryo implants outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tube, which can be life-threatening if not treated.


Definition: The fluid containing sperm and seminal fluid that is expelled during ejaculation, crucial for natural conception.


Definition: The process of expelling semen from the male reproductive tract, essential for the natural fertilization of an egg.

Ejaculatory Disorder

Definition: Any condition that affects normal ejaculation, such as premature ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation, which can cause infertility.

Ejaculatory Duct

Definition: A duct through which semen passes during ejaculation; blockages here can lead to male infertility.

Ejaculatory Failure

Definition: The inability to ejaculate, which can be caused by neurological or psychological factors, and can result in infertility.

Ejaculatory Function

Definition: The normal process of semen expulsion, which is crucial for male fertility and natural conception.

Ejaculatory Obstruction

Definition: A blockage in the ejaculatory ducts, preventing semen from being expelled during ejaculation, leading to infertility.

Electrical Injury

Definition: Damage to the body caused by electrical shock, which can affect the reproductive organs and fertility if severe.


Definition: A fertilized egg that has begun dividing and developing, usually transferred to the uterus during IVF for pregnancy.

Embryo Transfer

Definition: The final step of IVF where a fertilized embryo is placed into the woman’s uterus to establish a pregnancy.


Definition: The process by which an embryo forms and develops, starting from fertilization until the early stages of fetal development.

Embryotoxic Factors

Definition: Substances or conditions that can harm an embryo, leading to failed implantation or miscarriage.

Empty Follicular Syndrome

Definition: A rare condition in IVF where no eggs are retrieved from mature follicles during the egg retrieval process.


Definition: An isomer of clomiphene used to induce ovulation in women who are having difficulty conceiving.

Endocervical Canal

Definition: The passageway within the cervix that connects the uterus to the vagina, important in fertility assessments.


Definition: The inner part of the cervix that produces mucus and plays a role in fertility by facilitating or hindering sperm movement.


Definition: Any disease or disorder affecting the endocrine glands, which can disrupt hormone balance and fertility.

Endometrial Ablation

Definition: A procedure that destroys the lining of the uterus to treat heavy menstrual bleeding, which can affect fertility.

Endometrial Adhesions

Definition: Scar tissue in the uterus, often caused by surgery or infection, which can lead to infertility by obstructing the uterine cavity.

Endometrial Cavity

Definition: The inner space of the uterus lined by the endometrium, where the embryo implants during a normal pregnancy.

Endometrial Factors

Definition: Conditions related to the lining of the uterus, such as thickness or polyps, that can affect fertility and pregnancy outcomes.

Endometrial Polyps

Definition: Small growths in the lining of the uterus that can cause abnormal bleeding and infertility by interfering with embryo implantation.

Endometrial Preparation

Definition: The process of preparing the uterine lining to receive an embryo in fertility treatments like IVF.

Endometrial Proteins

Definition: Proteins produced by the uterine lining that play a role in embryo implantation and pregnancy maintenance.

Endometrial Receptivity

Definition: The ability of the uterine lining to accept an embryo for implantation, critical for a successful pregnancy in IVF.

Endometrial Scratching

Definition: A procedure where the uterine lining is intentionally scratched to improve the chances of embryo implantation during IVF.

Endometrial Synechiae

Definition: Scar tissue bands within the uterus, often resulting from surgery or infection, which can cause infertility.

Endometrial Thickness

Definition: The measurement of the uterine lining’s thickness, which is important for assessing its readiness for embryo implantation.


Definition: A condition where tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, causing pain and infertility.


Definition: Inflammation of the uterine lining, often due to infection, which can interfere with fertility and pregnancy.


Definition: The lining of the uterus that thickens each month in preparation for pregnancy and sheds during menstruation.


Definition: A procedure using a camera to view the inside of the body, often used to diagnose conditions affecting fertility.

Epididymal Obstruction

Definition: A blockage in the epididymis, the tube where sperm mature, leading to male infertility.


Definition: A tube in the male reproductive system where sperm mature and are stored before ejaculation.

Erectile Function

Definition: The ability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse, essential for natural conception.


Definition: The process by which the penis becomes firm and enlarged, necessary for sexual intercourse and natural conception.


Definition: The wearing away of tissue, such as the cervical lining, which can cause abnormal bleeding and affect fertility.


Definition: A form of estrogen produced by the ovaries that plays a key role in regulating the menstrual cycle and fertility.


Definition: A group of hormones responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics.


Definition: A synthetic form of estrogen used in oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy to regulate menstrual cycles and prevent pregnancy.

Fallopian Tube

Definition: A pair of tubes connecting the ovaries to the uterus, where fertilization typically occurs.

False Empty Follicular Syndrome

Definition: A condition during IVF where no eggs are retrieved from follicles, despite the appearance of mature follicles on ultrasound, but it is not a true absence of eggs.

Fasting Insulin

Definition: A blood test that measures insulin levels after fasting, used to assess insulin resistance, which can affect fertility.

Fasting Plasma Glucose

Definition: A blood test that measures blood sugar levels after fasting, used to diagnose diabetes, which can impact fertility.

Fasting Serum Insulin

Definition: A test measuring insulin levels in the blood after fasting, important for diagnosing metabolic issues that can affect fertility.

Female Fertility

Definition: The natural ability of a woman to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term.

Female Infertility

Definition: The inability of a woman to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse, or the inability to carry a pregnancy to term.

Female Reproductive Organs

Definition: The organs in a woman’s body responsible for reproduction, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina.


Definition: The ability to conceive a child naturally or with the help of assisted reproductive technologies.


Definition: The process by which a sperm cell and an egg cell combine to form a zygote, the first stage of pregnancy.


Definition: A benign tumor of the uterine muscle that can cause pain, heavy bleeding, and sometimes infertility.


Definition: The thickening and scarring of connective tissue, which can affect organs like the ovaries and fallopian tubes, leading to fertility issues.

Fimbrial Block

Definition: A blockage at the fimbriae, the finger-like projections at the end of the fallopian tubes, preventing the egg from reaching the uterus.

Fimbrial Agglutination

Definition: The clumping together of the fimbriae, which can hinder the egg’s passage into the fallopian tube.


Definition: A surgical procedure to repair or reconstruct the fimbriae, improving fertility by allowing the egg to reach the uterus.


Definition: A surgical procedure to create a new opening in the fimbriae to improve the chances of natural conception.

Flimsy Adhesions

Definition: Thin bands of scar tissue that can form between reproductive organs, potentially causing pain or infertility.

Fluid Collection

Definition: The accumulation of fluid in the pelvic cavity or uterus, which can be a sign of infection, inflammation, or other conditions affecting fertility.


Definition: A fluid-filled sac in the ovary that contains an immature egg; its growth and development are essential for ovulation.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

Definition: A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles, crucial for ovulation and fertility.

Follicular Development

Definition: The process of growth and maturation of ovarian follicles, leading to the release of a mature egg during ovulation.

Follicular Dominance

Definition: The process by which one follicle becomes larger and more mature than others, ultimately releasing an egg during ovulation.

Follicular Function

Definition: The activity and development of ovarian follicles, which is critical for ovulation and fertility.

Follicular Growth

Definition: The increase in size and maturation of ovarian follicles, which is monitored during fertility treatments like IVF.

Follicular Monitoring

Definition: The process of tracking the growth and development of ovarian follicles using ultrasound, often used in fertility treatments.

Follicular Output Rate

Definition: A measure of the number of eggs retrieved from mature follicles during IVF, indicating the effectiveness of ovarian stimulation.

Follicular Selection

Definition: The process by which the dominant follicle is chosen for ovulation, while other follicles regress.


Definition: The entire process of ovarian follicle growth and maturation, starting from the primordial follicle to the ovulation of a mature egg.

Free Androgen Index

Definition: A calculation used to assess the levels of androgens (male hormones) in a woman’s body, which can affect fertility.

Free Fluid

Definition: Fluid that accumulates in the pelvic cavity, often seen on ultrasound, which can indicate infection, inflammation, or other fertility issues.

Frozen Embryo Transfer

Definition: A procedure in which a previously frozen embryo is thawed and transferred to the uterus, used in IVF cycles.

Frozen Oocyte

Definition: An egg that has been harvested, frozen, and stored for future use in assisted reproductive techniques like IVF.

Frozen Pelvis

Definition: A severe condition where extensive adhesions cause the pelvic organs to become immobile, often leading to infertility.


Definition: The unexpected production of breast milk, often due to hormonal imbalances, which can affect fertility.

Gene Expert

Definition: A molecular diagnostic test that detects genetic mutations, used to identify genetic disorders that could affect fertility.

Genetic Disorders

Definition: Inherited conditions caused by DNA abnormalities, which can affect fertility or lead to pregnancy complications.

Genital Infections

Definition: Infections of the reproductive organs that can lead to infertility if left untreated, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.

Genital Organ

Definition: The organs involved in reproduction, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and external genitalia in women, and the testes, vas deferens, and penis in men.

Genital Tuberculosis

Definition: A type of tuberculosis that affects the reproductive organs, often leading to infertility if not treated.

Genuine Empty Follicular Syndrome

Definition: A rare condition in which no eggs are retrieved from follicles during IVF, despite normal hormone levels and ultrasound findings.

Gestational Sac

Definition: The first visible sign of early pregnancy on an ultrasound, indicating that the embryo has implanted in the uterus.


Definition: Structures in the body that secrete hormones or other substances; in reproduction, glands like the ovaries and pituitary play key roles in fertility.


Definition: A rare condition where sperm have round heads and lack the acrosome, impairing their ability to fertilize an egg.


Definition: A type of protein in the blood that carries hormones, including sex hormones, and is involved in immune response.


Definition: A hormone that stimulates the gonads (ovaries in women and testes in men) to produce eggs or sperm, essential for fertility.

Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone

Definition: A hormone produced by the hypothalamus that controls the release of gonadotropins (FSH and LH), which regulate reproductive processes.

Gonadotropin Therapy

Definition: A fertility treatment involving the use of hormones like FSH and LH to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

Graves’ Disease

Definition: An autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland, leading to hyperthyroidism, which can interfere with fertility.

Growth Hormone

Definition: A hormone that stimulates growth and cell reproduction, sometimes used in fertility treatments to improve ovarian response.


Definition: The enlargement of breast tissue in men, often due to hormonal imbalances, which can affect fertility.

Haploid Sperms

Definition: Sperm cells that contain half the normal number of chromosomes (23), essential for fertilization to combine with an egg’s chromosomes.


Definition: The accumulation of blood in the fallopian tube, often caused by ectopic pregnancy or endometriosis, which can affect fertility.


Definition: The presence of blood in urine, which can indicate a variety of medical conditions, including those affecting the urinary tract.


Definition: A protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body, crucial for overall health, including reproductive health.


Definition: Excessive or uncontrolled bleeding, which can occur in various organs, including the reproductive system, and may impact fertility.


Definition: An anticoagulant medication used to prevent blood clots, sometimes used during IVF to improve implantation success.

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

Definition: A protein on the surface of the hepatitis B virus; testing for it helps diagnose hepatitis B, which can affect fertility and pregnancy.

Highly Purified Human Menopausal Gonadotropin

Definition: A fertility drug that stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs, used in treatments like IVF for better ovarian response.

Highly Selective Nonsteroidal Aromatase Inhibitor

Definition: A drug that blocks estrogen production, often used in fertility treatments to regulate hormone levels and improve ovulation.


Definition: Excessive hair growth in women in areas where men typically grow hair, often caused by hormonal imbalances related to fertility issues.

Hormonal Therapy

Definition: The use of hormones to treat various medical conditions, including infertility, by regulating the reproductive system.

Hot Air Oven

Definition: A laboratory device used for sterilizing equipment by circulating hot air, ensuring a sterile environment for fertility treatments.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

Definition: A hormone produced during pregnancy that is also used in fertility treatments to trigger ovulation and support early pregnancy.

Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG)

Definition: A fertility drug containing FSH and LH, used to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs during IVF cycles.

Human Spermatozoa

Definition: The male reproductive cells (sperm) that fertilize the female egg, essential for conception.


Definition: The amount of moisture in the air, which must be carefully controlled in laboratories where fertility treatments are conducted.


Definition: An enzyme used in assisted reproductive technologies to help sperm penetrate the egg by breaking down surrounding hyaluronic acid.

Definition: A diagnostic procedure using saline and ultrasound to visualize the inside of the uterus, helping to detect abnormalities affecting fertility.


Definition: A condition where a fallopian tube is blocked and filled with fluid, often leading to infertility.


Definition: A condition characterized by excessive levels of male hormones (androgens) in women, often causing fertility issues.


Definition: Increased blood flow to a specific area, which can occur in the reproductive organs during certain conditions or treatments.


Definition: High blood sugar levels, often associated with diabetes, which can negatively impact fertility and pregnancy.


Definition: Elevated levels of insulin in the blood, often linked to insulin resistance and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), affecting fertility.


Definition: An abnormal increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue, which can occur in the endometrium and impact fertility.


Definition: A condition characterized by elevated levels of prolactin hormone, which can interfere with ovulation and cause infertility.


Definition: A condition where the ovarian stroma produces excess androgens, leading to symptoms like hirsutism and affecting fertility.


Definition: A condition where the thyroid gland is overactive, producing too much thyroid hormone, which can impact fertility and pregnancy.


Definition: A disorder caused by an overactive thyroid gland, leading to excessive thyroid hormone production and potential fertility issues.


Definition: A condition characterized by excessive hormone production by the gonads, which can disrupt normal reproductive functions.


Definition: Abnormally light menstrual bleeding, which can be a symptom of underlying reproductive issues.

Hypo-osmotic Swelling

Definition: A test used to assess sperm membrane integrity, an important factor in determining sperm quality and fertility.


Definition: A congenital condition in males where the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis, which can affect reproductive function.

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis

Definition: The system of hormonal interactions between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and gonads that regulates reproduction and fertility.


Definition: A region of the brain that controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland, playing a crucial role in regulating fertility.


Definition: A condition where the thyroid gland is underactive, leading to reduced thyroid hormone production and potential fertility problems.


Definition: A condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, which can lead to infertility or complications during pregnancy.


Definition: A surgical procedure to remove the uterus, which results in the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy.


Definition: A combined surgical procedure that uses both hysteroscopy and laparoscopy to diagnose and treat reproductive issues.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

Definition: An X-ray procedure that checks the uterus and fallopian tubes for blockages, helping to diagnose causes of infertility.


Definition: A thin, lighted instrument used to examine the inside of the uterus during a hysteroscopy, a procedure to diagnose and treat uterine conditions.

Iliac Vessels

Definition: Major blood vessels in the pelvic region that supply blood to the lower abdomen, pelvis, and legs, playing a crucial role in reproductive organ health.

Immotile Cilia Syndrome

Definition: A rare genetic disorder where cilia (tiny hair-like structures) do not move properly, leading to respiratory issues and potential infertility due to impaired sperm or egg transport.

Immunoglobulins Implantation

Definition: Immunoglobulins, or antibodies, are proteins used by the immune system; during implantation, the immune environment is crucial for the successful attachment of an embryo to the uterine wall.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Definition: A fertility treatment where eggs are fertilized by sperm outside the body in a laboratory, with the resulting embryos transferred to the uterus.

Incomplete Septae

Definition: A condition where the uterus has a partial or incomplete wall of tissue dividing it, which can impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes.

Infertile Male

Definition: A man who has difficulty achieving a pregnancy due to factors like low sperm count, poor sperm quality, or other reproductive issues.


Definition: The inability to conceive after 12 months of regular, unprotected intercourse, affecting both men and women and often requiring medical evaluation and treatment.


Definition: The body’s response to injury or infection, which can occur in reproductive organs, potentially leading to conditions like endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).


Definition: The introduction of sperm into the female reproductive system by natural or artificial means, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), to achieve fertilization.


Definition: A hormone that regulates blood sugar levels; insulin resistance can affect fertility, particularly in conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


Definition: A group of cytokines (proteins) that play a role in the immune system, including in reproductive processes like implantation and embryo development.


Definition: The digestive organs that absorb nutrients and remove waste; though not directly related to reproduction, their health can impact overall fertility and pregnancy.

Intra-Abdominal Organ

Definition: Organs located within the abdominal cavity, including the uterus, ovaries, and intestines, essential for digestion, reproduction, and other bodily functions.

Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI)

Definition: An advanced form of IVF where sperm are selected under high magnification for injection into the egg, improving the chances of fertilization.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Definition: A fertility treatment where a single sperm is directly injected into an egg to achieve fertilization, often used in cases of male infertility.

Intrafollicular Echoes

Definition: Ultrasound findings that show echoes within a follicle, which can indicate the presence of blood or other material, relevant in assessing ovarian health during fertility treatments.

Intramural Fibroid

Definition: A type of fibroid that grows within the muscular wall of the uterus, which can affect fertility and pregnancy depending on its size and location.

Intrauterine Adhesions

Definition: Scar tissue within the uterus, often resulting from surgery or infection, which can cause menstrual abnormalities and infertility.

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

Definition: A small T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy, commonly used as a long-term, reversible contraceptive method.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Definition: A fertility treatment where sperm is placed directly into a woman’s uterus to increase the chances of fertilization.


Definition: The use of radiation, often for medical treatments like cancer therapy, which can impact fertility depending on the area treated.


Definition: The connections between bones that allow for movement; while not directly related to fertility, joint health is important for overall physical well-being.

Kallmann’s Syndrome

Definition: A genetic disorder characterized by delayed or absent puberty and an impaired sense of smell, often leading to infertility due to hormonal deficiencies.

Klinefelter’s Syndrome

Definition: A genetic condition in males where an extra X chromosome is present, often leading to reduced testosterone levels, infertility, and other health issues.

Kruger Sperm Morphology

Definition: A strict analysis of sperm shape (morphology) used to assess male fertility, with better morphology associated with higher chances of fertilization.

Labotect Catheter

Definition: A specialized catheter used in assisted reproductive procedures like embryo transfer, designed to ensure safe and effective placement of embryos into the uterus.

Laminar Air Flows

Definition: Controlled airflow systems used in laboratories to maintain a sterile environment, crucial for procedures like IVF to protect embryos from contamination.

Laparoscopic Procedures

Definition: Minimally invasive surgeries using small incisions and a camera (laparoscope) to diagnose and treat conditions, commonly used in fertility treatments.


Definition: A surgical procedure where a laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen to examine and treat reproductive organs, often used in diagnosing infertility.


Definition: An amino acid that improves blood flow and is sometimes used to support fertility by enhancing the uterine lining and overall reproductive health.


Definition: Precision tools used in medical procedures, including fertility treatments, for tasks like assisted hatching or cutting tissue with minimal damage.


Definition: A medication used to stimulate ovulation in women with fertility issues, often prescribed as an alternative to clomiphene citrate.


Definition: A hormone used in fertility treatments to regulate or suppress natural hormone production, helping control the timing of ovulation during IVF cycles.

Live Birth Rate

Definition: The percentage of all IVF or fertility treatment cycles that result in the birth of a living baby, a key metric for assessing treatment success.

Live Spermatozoa

Definition: Sperm cells that are alive and capable of fertilizing an egg, crucial for successful conception in natural or assisted reproduction.

Low Molecular Weight Heparin

Definition: A blood-thinning medication often used in fertility treatments to prevent blood clots, particularly in patients with clotting disorders.

Luteal Phase

Definition: The post-ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle when the uterine lining is prepared for potential pregnancy, supported by progesterone production.

Luteinized Unruptured Follicle

Definition: A condition where the follicle matures but does not release an egg, leading to potential fertility issues.

Luteinizing Hormone

Definition: A hormone that triggers ovulation and supports the function of the corpus luteum, essential in both natural and assisted reproductive processes.

Male Factor Infertility

Definition: Infertility issues in men due to factors like low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or abnormal sperm morphology.

Male Infertility

Definition: The inability to conceive due to issues related to sperm production, function, or delivery, often requiring specialized evaluation and treatment.

Male Partner Ultrasound Assessment

Definition: An ultrasound examination of the male reproductive organs, used to diagnose conditions like varicocele or obstruction that may affect fertility.

Male Reproductive System

Definition: The organs involved in male reproduction, including the testes, vas deferens, and penis, which produce and deliver sperm.

Mature Follicle

Definition: A follicle that has fully developed and is ready to release an egg during ovulation, critical for successful conception.

Medroxyprogesterone Acetate

Definition: A synthetic form of progesterone used to regulate menstrual cycles and treat conditions like endometriosis or abnormal uterine bleeding.


Definition: A hormone that regulates sleep and is also involved in reproductive health, potentially improving egg quality and embryo implantation.


Definition: Abnormally heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, which can be a symptom of underlying reproductive health issues like fibroids or hormonal imbalances.


Definition: The monthly menstrual bleeding that occurs as part of the female reproductive cycle when pregnancy does not occur.

Menstrual Cycle

Definition: The regular monthly cycle of changes in the female reproductive system, including ovulation and menstruation, crucial for fertility.


Definition: A medication commonly used to treat insulin resistance, especially in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), to improve ovulation and fertility.


Definition: A small, benign tumor of the pituitary gland that can affect hormone levels, potentially impacting fertility.


Definition: A fertility technique, often referring to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), where a single sperm is injected directly into an egg.

Micronized Progesterone

Definition: A bioidentical form of progesterone used in fertility treatments to support the luteal phase and early pregnancy.

Microscopic Epididymal Sperm Extraction

Definition: A surgical procedure to retrieve sperm directly from the epididymis in men with obstructive azoospermia, used in conjunction with IVF.


Definition: The loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks, a common complication that can be caused by various genetic, anatomical, or hormonal factors.

Mixed Agglutination Reaction

Definition: A test used to detect the presence of antisperm antibodies, which can cause sperm to clump together and reduce fertility.


Definition: The ability of sperm to move efficiently, which is crucial for reaching and fertilizing the egg in natural or assisted reproduction.


Definition: A fluid produced by various glands, including cervical mucus, which plays a key role in fertility by helping sperm travel through the female reproductive tract.

Mullerian Anomalies

Definition: Congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive tract, such as a septate uterus, which can affect fertility and pregnancy outcomes.

Multiple Gestations

Definition: A pregnancy where more than one fetus develops, such as twins or triplets, which can occur naturally or as a result of fertility treatments.


Definition: A supplement often used in fertility treatments, particularly for women with PCOS, to improve insulin sensitivity and ovarian function.


Definition: Another term for fibroid, a benign tumor of the uterine muscle that can cause symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding and infertility.


Definition: A surgical procedure to remove fibroids from the uterus while preserving fertility, often performed to improve reproductive outcomes.

Natural Cycle

Definition: A fertility treatment approach that does not involve hormone stimulation, relying on the body’s natural ovulation process for procedures like IVF.

Natural Hatching

Definition: The process by which an embryo naturally emerges from its outer shell (zona pellucida) to implant in the uterus, a critical step in early pregnancy.

Natural Killer Cell

Definition: A type of immune cell that can influence pregnancy outcomes, with abnormal activity potentially leading to recurrent miscarriage or implantation failure.


Definition: A common symptom of early pregnancy or side effect of fertility medications, characterized by a feeling of sickness or an urge to vomit.


Definition: A condition where a significant percentage of sperm are dead, leading to infertility and requiring specialized treatment or sperm retrieval techniques.


Definition: A surgical procedure to create a new opening in a blocked fallopian tube, aimed at restoring fertility in women with tubal obstructions.

Neural Tube Defects

Definition: Birth defects of the brain, spine, or spinal cord, such as spina bifida, often preventable with adequate folic acid intake before and during pregnancy.

Noonan’s Syndrome

Definition: A genetic disorder that affects various parts of the body, including heart defects and developmental delays, and may impact fertility.

Normal Ovulation

Definition: The regular release of a mature egg from the ovary during the menstrual cycle, essential for natural conception.


Definition: A medical condition characterized by excessive body fat that can impact overall health and fertility, often managed through lifestyle changes and medical interventions.

Obstructive Azoospermia

Definition: A type of male infertility where sperm is produced but cannot leave the body due to blockages in the reproductive tract.


Definition: A condition where sperm count is low and sperm motility is reduced, affecting fertility and the ability to conceive.


Definition: Infrequent menstrual periods occurring more than 35 days apart, which can indicate hormonal imbalances or reproductive disorders.


Definition: Infrequent ovulation, where eggs are not released regularly, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and difficulty conceiving.


Definition: Low sperm count in the ejaculate, a common cause of male infertility that may require diagnostic evaluation and treatment.

Omental Adhesions

Definition: Scar tissue forming between the omentum (a layer of the abdominal cavity) and other organs, which can impact reproductive health and fertility.


Definition: Surgical removal of one or both ovaries, which may be necessary for certain medical conditions but affects fertility and hormone levels.


Definition: Inflammation of the ovaries, often caused by infection or autoimmune disorders, which can impact ovarian function and fertility.

Oral Contraceptive

Definition: Birth control pills taken by mouth to prevent pregnancy, regulate menstrual cycles, and manage hormonal disorders.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

Definition: A test used to measure the body’s ability to process glucose, often used to diagnose diabetes or insulin resistance, which can affect fertility.


Definition: A surgical procedure to correct undescended testicles, which can improve fertility and prevent potential complications.

Ovarian Disorders

Definition: Conditions affecting the ovaries, such as PCOS or ovarian cysts, that can impact hormone levels and reproductive health.

Ovarian Drilling

Definition: A laparoscopic procedure used to treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by creating small holes in the ovaries to improve ovulation.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Definition: A condition where ovaries become swollen and painful due to overstimulation from fertility medications, sometimes leading to serious complications.

Ovarian Preservation

Definition: Techniques to protect and maintain ovarian function during treatments like chemotherapy or surgery, important for future fertility.

Ovarian Reserve Tests

Definition: Tests to assess the quantity and quality of a woman’s remaining eggs, helping evaluate her fertility potential.

Ovarian Stimulation

Definition: Use of medications to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs for use in assisted reproductive technologies like IVF.

Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation

Definition: The process of freezing ovarian tissue for future use, often performed to preserve fertility before medical treatments that may affect ovarian function.


Definition: The female reproductive organ that produces eggs and hormones, essential for ovulation and fertility.


Definition: The release of a mature egg from the ovary, a critical process for natural conception and often monitored in fertility treatments.

Ovulation Induction

Definition: Medical treatment to stimulate the ovaries to produce and release eggs, commonly used in fertility treatments to help achieve conception.

Ovulatory Cycle

Definition: The regular cycle of hormonal changes leading to the release of an egg from the ovary, which is crucial for natural fertility.

Ovum Pick-Up

Definition: A procedure to retrieve eggs from the ovaries for use in assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF.

Pale Endometrium

Definition: A condition where the lining of the uterus is thin or discolored, which can affect implantation and pregnancy outcomes.

Peak Systolic Velocity

Definition: A measurement of blood flow velocity used in ultrasound assessments, which can help evaluate reproductive health and uterine blood flow.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Definition: An infection of the female reproductive organs that can cause scarring and affect fertility if left untreated.


Definition: A hole or tear in a tissue or organ, such as the uterus, which can result from medical procedures and impact fertility.


Definition: The membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covering the abdominal organs, which can be affected by conditions like endometriosis.


Definition: The organ that provides oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus during pregnancy and removes waste products from the baby’s blood.

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Definition: A treatment involving injections of concentrated platelets to stimulate healing, sometimes used in fertility treatments to enhance ovarian function.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease

Definition: A condition characterized by multiple cysts on the ovaries, leading to hormonal imbalances and fertility issues.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Definition: A common endocrine disorder affecting women’s hormone levels, causing symptoms like irregular periods, infertility, and excess hair growth.


Definition: A benign growth in the uterine lining or cervix that can cause abnormal bleeding and may affect fertility.


Definition: A surgical procedure to remove polyps from the uterus or cervix, often performed to address abnormal bleeding or infertility.

Poor Ovarian Reserve

Definition: A condition where the ovaries have a reduced number of healthy eggs, affecting the likelihood of successful conception.

Poor Quality Embryo

Definition: An embryo with abnormal development or structure, which can reduce the chances of successful implantation and pregnancy.

Poor Sperm Quality

Definition: Reduced sperm health, including issues with motility, morphology, or count, which can impact male fertility.

Postcoital Test

Definition: A diagnostic test performed after intercourse to evaluate the interaction between sperm and cervical mucus, helping diagnose fertility issues.

Pouch of Douglas

Definition: The space between the uterus and rectum, where fluid can accumulate, often assessed during pelvic exams or ultrasounds.

Powder Burns

Definition: Small, burn-like lesions found on the pelvic organs, often associated with endometriosis or other inflammatory conditions.


Definition: A corticosteroid medication used to reduce inflammation and suppress immune responses, sometimes used in fertility treatments.


Definition: The state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the uterus, confirmed by positive pregnancy tests and ultrasound.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Definition: A procedure used during IVF to test embryos for genetic disorders before implantation, ensuring healthier embryos are selected.

Premature Ovulation Aging

Definition: The early loss of ovarian function, leading to diminished fertility and early onset of menopause.

Primary Ovarian Failure

Definition: A condition where the ovaries stop functioning normally before age 40, leading to infertility and hormonal imbalances.


Definition: A hormone crucial for preparing the uterine lining for pregnancy and maintaining early pregnancy, often supplemented in fertility treatments.


Definition: A hormone that stimulates milk production; elevated levels can affect menstrual cycles and fertility.


Definition: A condition where a woman experiences pregnancy-like symptoms but is not actually pregnant, often due to psychological factors.


Definition: The stage of development when a person’s body matures and becomes capable of sexual reproduction, marked by physical and hormonal changes.


Definition: An infection in the fallopian tubes causing pus accumulation, which can lead to pain and fertility issues.

Radiation: Energy emitted as electromagnetic waves or particles, commonly used in medical imaging and cancer treatment.

Radiotherapy: A treatment method that uses high doses of radiation to kill or shrink cancer cells.

Reactive Oxygen Species: Molecules produced in the body that can cause cell damage, often linked to stress and aging.

Recurrent Implantation Failures: When embryos fail to implant in the uterus after several IVF attempts.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: The loss of two or more consecutive pregnancies, often due to underlying health issues.

Reproductive Medicine

Definition: A branch of medicine that focuses on diagnosing and treating reproductive issues, including infertility, hormonal disorders, and pregnancy-related conditions.

Retrograde Ejaculation: A condition where semen enters the bladder instead of exiting through the penis during ejaculation.

Retroverted Uterus: A uterus that tilts backward instead of forward, sometimes affecting fertility.

Rubella: A contagious viral infection preventable by vaccine, which can cause complications during pregnancy.

Saline: A sterile saltwater solution used in medical procedures, including ultrasounds and surgeries.

Salpingectomy: Surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes, often done to treat ectopic pregnancy or prevent disease.

Salpingitis: Inflammation of the fallopian tubes, usually caused by infection, which can lead to infertility.

Salpingostomy: A surgical procedure to create an opening in the fallopian tube, often used to treat an ectopic pregnancy.

Scrotal Sonography: An ultrasound imaging technique used to examine the scrotum, testes, and surrounding structures.

Semen: The fluid that contains sperm and is ejaculated from the male reproductive system.

Semen Analysis: A test that evaluates the quality and quantity of sperm in a semen sample to assess male fertility.

Semen Collection: The process of obtaining a semen sample, often used for fertility testing or sperm banking.

Sepsis: A severe and life-threatening infection that spreads through the bloodstream, requiring immediate medical attention.

Septate Uterus: A congenital uterine abnormality where a fibrous band divides the uterine cavity, potentially causing miscarriage.

Sertoli Cell-Only Syndrome: A condition where only Sertoli cells are present in the testes, leading to infertility due to the absence of sperm.

Serum: The clear, yellowish fluid that remains after blood clots, used in various medical tests.

Sex Hormone: Hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, that regulate sexual development and reproductive functions.

Sperm: Male reproductive cells that fertilize the female egg, essential for conception.

Sperm DNA Fragmentation: A condition where sperm DNA is damaged, affecting fertility and increasing the risk of miscarriage.

Spermatic Cords: A pair of cords that support the testes in the scrotum and contain blood vessels, nerves, and the vas deferens.

Spermatids: Immature sperm cells that develop into mature sperm during spermatogenesis.

Spermatogenesis: The process of sperm production in the testes, crucial for male fertility.

Spermatozoa: The fully mature and motile form of sperm cells that fertilize the female egg.

Stimulation: The use of medications to encourage the ovaries to produce multiple eggs during fertility treatment.

Submucus: Referring to the tissue layer beneath the mucous membrane, often discussed in relation to uterine conditions.

Surrogacy: An arrangement where a woman carries and delivers a baby for another person or couple.

Swim-Down Technique: A laboratory method used to separate healthy, motile sperm from immotile ones.

Swim-Up Technique: A method used in fertility labs to isolate the healthiest, most active sperm for use in treatments like IUI and IVF.

Tail Defects: Abnormalities in the tail of a sperm cell that can affect its movement and the ability to fertilize an egg.

Testicular Sperm: Sperm retrieved directly from the testicles, often used in fertility treatments when ejaculation is not possible.

Testis: The male reproductive organ responsible for producing sperm and testosterone.

Testosterone: The primary male sex hormone that regulates sexual development, muscle mass, and fertility.

Thin Endometrium: A condition where the uterine lining is too thin to support embryo implantation, often leading to fertility challenges.

Thrombophilia: A condition that increases the risk of blood clots, which can complicate pregnancy and fertility treatments.

Thyroid Hormone: Hormones produced by the thyroid gland that regulates metabolism, growth, and reproductive health.

Torsion: A medical emergency where a testicle twists, cutting off its blood supply, often requiring immediate surgery to save the testicle.

Transvaginal Ultrasonography: An ultrasound technique where a probe is inserted into the vagina to get clear images of the uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs.

Tubal Cannulation: A procedure to open blocked fallopian tubes, improving the chances of natural conception.

Tubal Surgery: Surgical procedures performed on the fallopian tubes to repair blockages or other issues that affect fertility.

Tuboplasty: A surgical procedure to reconstruct or repair the fallopian tubes, often done to improve fertility.

Tunel Assay: A lab test used to measure DNA fragmentation in sperm, helping to assess male fertility.

Ultrasound: A diagnostic imaging technique that uses sound waves to create images of internal organs, commonly used in pregnancy and fertility assessments.

Unicornuate Uterus: A congenital uterine abnormality where only one side of the uterus is fully developed, potentially affecting pregnancy outcomes.

Uterine Abnormalities: Structural issues in the uterus, such as fibroids or septa, that can affect fertility and pregnancy.

Uterine Cavity: The hollow space within the uterus where a fertilized egg implants and grows during pregnancy.

Vagina: The muscular canal that connects the cervix to the outside of the female body, playing a key role in menstruation, intercourse, and childbirth.

Vaginal Septae: An abnormal band of tissue within the vagina that can cause discomfort or complications during intercourse or childbirth.

Vaginismus: A condition where the vaginal muscles involuntarily tighten, making intercourse or medical exams painful or impossible.

Varicocele: Enlarged veins in the scrotum that can affect sperm production and lead to infertility.

Vas Deferens: The tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra during ejaculation.

Vasal Aplasia: A congenital condition where the vas deferens are absent, leading to infertility due to the inability to transport sperm.

Vasectomy: A surgical procedure that cuts or blocks the vas deferens to prevent sperm from reaching the semen, used as a form of male contraception.

Viscosity: The thickness or stickiness of a fluid, often referring to semen consistency in fertility evaluations.

Vitamin D: An essential vitamin that supports bone health, immune function, and reproductive health, often linked to improved fertility outcomes.

Y Chromosome Microdeletion: A genetic condition where small pieces of the Y chromosome are missing, which can lead to male infertility.

Zinc: A vital mineral that supports immune function, hormone production, and male fertility by contributing to healthy sperm production.

Zona: Short for “zona pellucida,” the protective outer layer of an egg that sperm must penetrate to achieve fertilization.

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